Truth with proof
Who are we?
We are the sinners that God sent his only begotten son to die for. Thanks to Jesus we have all experienced the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit with the Evidence of Speaking in Tongues (decently and in order.) We are an International Fellowship with churches in Australia, PNG, England, Germany, Georgia, and many other places. We are here to spread the word of the lord in its entirety, never adding or taking away from scripture.
“I first heard the gospel in late 1989 while serving in the U.S. military.The Lord was gracious and sent someone to answer all of my questions straight from the bible. I had asked the same questions before to a catholic priest, but he only offered his opinions and some philosophical advice. So after I saw in the bible the answer to my questions I was ready to listen.
“After receiving Gods promises I turned my back on Him and followed the things of the world. There was no joy or peace in my life without God. 10 years ago I asked for Gods forgiveness and immediately my life changed. Having a relationship with God through his word, prayer, and fellowship with the Saints restored the joy in my life.”
“I always knew there was a God and He proved himself to me by filling me with His Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Instantly, I knew the Bible was true and that I can trust His word. I received peace, comfort and healing in my life that this world could never offer.